Found this beautifully marked feather in the garden this week. I just had to rescue it. It looks to have come from the partial albino Blackbird which visits the garden from time to time.
Free machine embroidery under way. |
Front view |
The free machine quilting has continued this week with the third of my four pieces now under way. This one is bigger than the previous two being 16" wide by 19" long (40.5cm by 48cm). A useful size, I haven't quite decided what to use it for.
At the moment it looks rather distorted since I haven't added all the stitching yet, as you can see in this photo of the reverse side.
Current back view |
The knitting is continuing. I have almost finished the body and am now on the ribbing at the bottom edge.

The colours make more sense when you see Ella's colouring. I chose her as the inspiration for the colours I used.
Crazy patchwork challenge |
My crazy patchwork piece now just needs the edges tidying up and a border added. The cat buttons have been in my collection for rather a long time so it was nice to be able them here.
Sketchbook challenge - MEG |
I have also been adding bits and pieces to my Ideas Book. This was started as a challenge for the MEG group. I really need to get back into feltmaking again, so I added a series of sheep cartoons. I have samples of wool from each of these breeds ready to felt. Since I hadn't got much idea what these breeds looked like, I decided to find out and develop cartoons to help me recognise them. There are many more breeds of sheep than are shown here. This is a project where I still have rather a lot to do, even before I get started with the felting.