Felix inspected it when I had finished piecing the front. I was incredibly fortunate that my friend Jude offered to quilt it for me. She has a long-arm quilting machine and is very talented, doing pantograph or custom quilting for others.
Sorry the pictures have been taken on a richly patterned carpet, the cats were occupying the bed and were too comfy to want to move.
During the recent Bank Holiday, I was in Worcestor for a wonderful family gathering. We were celebrating my mother's 80th birthday in a location midway between the locations where everyone lives.

On the first morning, I was able to take these photos of reflections on the walls outside my room. They were caused by open windows a couple of floors above.

On the first morning, I was able to take these photos of reflections on the walls outside my room. They were caused by open windows a couple of floors above.
Whilst in Worcester we all (There were 17 of us! The ages ranged from 18 to 82 - mum's elder sister came too!!) went to explore the Cathedral. It is a really beautiful building. I really love this window.
The quilt is fantastic, and the Cathedral looks beautiful.
Big Hugs, Bethxx
It's all just lovely!!!!
Thank you all so much.
With your permission I'd like to add your blog to the blog page of my new quilting directory, Quilt Qua : http://www.quiltqua.com/links/blogs/ You can let me know if you'd like to be included. If you would like to be on the first alpha list, you simply need to let me know you've made mention, or placed a link on your site, back to Quilt Qua. I can send you a graphic if you'd like one for that purpose.
I try to check my lists, but if I've already contacted you, I'm sorry.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Here is info on the latest giveaway: Win: 1 Frosted Memories Fat Quarter Bundle by Holly Taylor for Moda Fabrics ! To enter simply "tell a friend" to spread the word about Quilt Qua. You can send an e-mail to people, post on your blog, comment on someone else's blog, put info in your guild newsletter, etc. Then send an e-mail to: quiltqua@gmail.com and let me know what you did. Enter as often as you wish. Random drawing for the winner will be at 10 pm July 31st. (Feel free to post giveaway info on your site)
Also, please note there is a new category in links to list Etsy/Artfire shops. Send me title and link.
Let me know if I've missed your business to list on the web site!
Thank you,
Connie Colten
Quilt Qua
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